Stories & Coping Strategies
August 15, 2015
Do you hear voices or have other unusual experiences? You may wish to share your coping strategies with us as this will help us to complete the 'Stories and Coping Strategies' section on our website. If you wish to share, you may do so anonymously through the following link.
August 15, 2015
A Practical Guide to Coping with Voices
This guide has been written as an introduction to this different way of thinking about “hearing voices”. Hearing voices can be a very disturbing experience, both for the person who hears voices and family and friends. To date, very little has been written about this experience and its meaning, usually it is regarded as a symptom of a mental illness and is not talked about because it is a socially stigmatising experience.
August 15, 2015
Interview with Kevin Healey
Kevin Healy began hearing voices at an early age. He received treatment in Canada and in the U.K. Today Kevin is a prominent mental health activist. He is a member of the Hearing Voices Network, and is the founder of the Recovery Network: Toronto, which facilitates monthly peer support groups for other voice-hearers. The Trauma & Mental Health Report met with Kevin to learn more about his recovery.
August 15, 2015
Three phases of voice hearing
This is a handout, that includes information provided by Intervoice, on the three stages of voice hearing according to research by Marius Romme and Sandra Escher. It is helpful to recognise that you can move forward from where you are, or to look and remember how far you have come.