What is Hearing Voices Malta about?
Hearing Voices Malta is based on curiosity...to explore the meaning of hearing voices and of having other unusual experiences. We know that a common explanation that is given to people who hear voices is a medical/psychiatric one. Whilst this view may work for some people, others may feel more comfortable in exploring other meanings such as spiritual, philosophical or creative ones. Of course, this is only to be expected seeing that as human beings, we tend to be so individually unique! We are not after trying to find the truth..that one perfect explanation that fits all. We are not after trying to change people.
Our aim is to get people together so that we can explore different perspectives and ways of living with hearing voices. We know that for some people, the voices/ unusual experiences may be positive whilst for others, these may be distressing...both types are welcome in the group. The act of sharing these experiences in a safe environment can help us to learn from each other and support each other in living a satisfactory life (whatever that means for each and every one of us). This is not a type of psychiatric treatment or therapy.
We like to think of our work as a combo of friendly support, love and respect for diversity. This is just the beginning of Hearing Voices Malta. Our plan is to reach out through this website and social media as well as to offer more direct support such as by forming a support group. See you around! :)
Paulann Grech Miriam Micallef Trevor Eyles
Lecturer - Mental Health Mental Health Nursing Student Voice Hearing Consultant