Hearing Voices Malta Workshop
What is it like to hear voices (also known as auditory hallucinations)? What meaning can be attributed to this experience? If you hear voices, how do you relate to them? If you need to support someone who is hearing voices, how do you do this? What do you say?
These are questions that most voice hearers, professionals and informal carers have inevitably asked at one point or another. Complex questions to answer.....and they certainly highly the fact that there is no magic bullet or a one-size-fits-all solution!
The Hearing Voices Approach is a widely used method that explores different perspectives and ways of living with hearing voices. The focus is to provide support and self-help means in a non-judgmental and non-restrictive manner. The ultimate aim is to enable voice hearers to live a satisfactory life (whatever that means for each and every one of us).
As yet, this approach is still a novelty in Malta. To this extent, Hearing Voices Malta, in collaboration with the President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, is organising a workshop in order to explore the tools and methods that form the basis of the Hearing Voices Approach. Although the theory and evidence-base related to this approach shall be discussed, the main aim is to provide participants with a practical tool box that they can use in their everyday professional and personal life. The workshop is to be held on 17th and 18th May, 2016 and shall be delivered by Trevor Eyles who is a voice-hearing consultant and international speaker.
Kindly refer to the flyer and registration form.