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Month 1: What is psychosis?

As part of our campaign #myreality, during the last week of every month, we shall be presenting a feature related to psychosis, in the form of articles, podcasts or videos. The first one of this series is a trialogue between Daniela Calleja Bitar (COO, Richmond Foundation), Matthew Pisani (Recovery Officer and a person who experiences psychosis) and Paulann Grech (Chair, Hearing Voices Malta). It focuses on the definition and description of psychosis.

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Month 2: Iktar fuq il-psikożi


F'dan il-vidjow, Dr. Paulann Grech mill-Hearing Voices Malta u Janice Sargent mir-Richmond Foundation, jidħlu ftit iktar fid-dettall fuq din il-kundizzjoni. X'iġifieri tesperjenza realta` differenti? X'lingwaġġ għandna nużaw meta qed nitkellmu fuq xi ħadd li jgħix bil-psikożi? #myreality

Month 3: Kawżi u Għajnuna


F'dan il-vidjow, Janice Sargent mir-Richmond intervistat lill-psikjatra Prof. David Mamo. Iddiskutew f'liem mard mentali u fiżiku persuna tista' tesperjenza l-psikożi u kif wieħed jista' jgħin lill-membri tal-familja biex ifittxu l-għajnuna. Huwa possibli li persuna tirkupra mill-psikożi? X’hemm bżonn li tagħmel il-persuna biex tmur għal aħjar? #myreality

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